Letter of Recommendation

   Recommendation Letter For Team Leader

Dear {Name}:

As the regional manager of _______________, I would like to recommend ________________ as team leader. They are an ideal candidate to help lead this group on all fronts, being supremely qualified with regards to tactics, discipline, productivity and general efficiency.

I have the utmost confidence in the ___________ branch because of _____________. They are a driven and ambitious employee, and they know how to help keep others on task. I have seen them run many meetings with thoughtfulness, encouragement, and a view of the larger picture. They are also a detail-oriented administrator, keeping perfect records of decisions, product development, and project progress.

I would like to see _____________ on a managerial track so that we can keep their talent and innovation with our company. I believe the first step is to make them team leader, and I recommend them for the position without hesitation. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.



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