Letter of Recommendation

   College Recommendation Letter


I am pleased to recommend _______________, who is applying for admission to ____________ University. I am his biology teacher at _______________ High School, and also coach the basketball team, on which he is a center.

___________________ is a wonderful student to have in class. He is eager to participate in class discussions, takes his schoolwork seriously, and always has a creative way of looking at things.

He has many interests beyond academics. Besides playing on the basketball team (and making the all-state team), _____________ is a member of the school chess club. Obviously, ______________ is not one to follow the crowd. He is confident in pursuing his interests, regardless of whether they are considered "cool" or not. Still, he is well-liked by his peers as well as the faculty and staff here.

With his 2.8 grade point average, I'm aware that _______________ has set his sights high in applying to _______________ University, but I am convinced it will be a great fit for both ____________ and the university. Please take into account that he has maintained a positive attitude, full class schedule, team sports and a part-time job at the Sports Superstore despite that fact that his father succumbed to cancer earlier this year.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if I can shed any more light on _____________, including his stellar character and prospects for a bright future at your school.

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