Letter of Recommendation

   Tenure Recommendation Letter from Student

While I understand that students do not always have much say in decisions made among faculty, I would like to take this opportunity to recommend Dr. _____________ for tenure at our college, _____________. I have never met a professor as devoted as Dr. _____________, and I think it would be a shame to let such talent go.

I have taken several classes with Dr. _____________, including _____________, _____________, and _____________. In each of these classes, she has been an enthusiastic and competent teacher. Specifically, I greatly enjoyed her focus on _____________, _____________, and _____________. No other professor takes the time to really delve into these subjects like Dr. _____________.

If there is any specific information I can provide that would assist you in making your decision, please do feel free to contact me at _____________. I would be happy to provide any information you require.

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