Letter of Recommendation

   Parole Board Character Reference 2


My name is ____________ and I have known __________ for five years, beginning when we were both members of the State University Lacrosse Team. We spent a great deal of time together, both individually and in a group setting, and I came to see _____________ as a trusted friend, dedicated student and respected mentor to high school students in the Young Entrepreneurs Program of which he was a member.

I am writing to request that _______________ be considered for parole at his upcoming hearing.

______________ made a horrible mistake that negatively impacted many lives. One night at a fraternity party resulted in him being sent to prison, effectively putting an end to his college career and other life goals. But _______________ does not feel sorry for himself. He accepts full responsibility for his part in what happened that night, and will be haunted for the rest of his life with thoughts of the victim. I have never seen anyone so remorseful.

I have always been convinced that _______________ is an honorable man with a good heart and strong sense of empathy. His time in prison had added even more depth to his character.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you would like any further information or insights into ______________'s character.

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