Letter of Recommendation

   Job Reference — Nonprofit


It is with absolute confidence that I recommend _________________ for employment. As the executive director of _______________ Nonprofit, I supervised ______________ in her role as development director for two years. We were sorry to lose her last month when she and her husband relocated to _____________ due to his job.

When _______________ came on board, our agency was struggling. Immediately, __________ stepped up to the plate, combining her passion for helping at-risk youth with her immeasurable skills at fundraising and engaging the community in our shared goals.

____________ brought our organization to a whole new level. During the time she was here, she built relationships with local business partners to the tune of $150,000 a year in cash and in-kind donations. She also launched our now-annual fundraising drive in which a regional community foundation matches all cash donations secured by area nonprofits. _____________ was instrumental in securing $75,000 in new funding, which translated to $150,000 thanks to the foundation match.

She is also a skilled and accomplished grant writer, with $2.3 million in grants under her belt for our agency alone. There are several hundred thousand dollars in grant applications still outstanding, and early reports indicate that we have a good shot at some of those funds.

Any agency that chooses to hire _____________ is fortunate indeed. We feel as if she has left our community a legacy due to her expertise, and I know she will do the same for another nonprofit or educational entity in the future.

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